The list of affected email providers includes, but is not limited to, the following: AOL, Yahoo, GoDaddy, and Microsoft Office 365. Consequently, certain email addresses can no longer be configured for use inside Drake Tax. Unfortunately, some email providers are no longer allowing access to full functionality outside of their own program or website. We know that an efficient workflow is important to your business and have always tried save you a step by configuring the email of your choice inside Drake Tax.
Third-Party Email Account Setup in Drake Tax Note that when you are sending a client an email from view mode, you can also choose the option to Email to Client (using Windows default email): Locate the Email section and select the appropriate email provider (Outlook in this example).Open the Windows start menu and choose Settings.It is set as the default Windows email program, described below.It is MAPI-compliant (Messaging Application Program Interface).Your installed email program will work in Drake Software View mode, Drake Documents, Drake Scheduler, and the PCM (Drake22 only) if it meets these conditions: Drake Documents and Drake Scheduler Settingsįor a video demonstration of the email options within Drake, please see Drake Email Setup Options.Using Your Windows Default Email Program.
See the sections below for details on setup and other options. See Publication 4557 for details on IRS requirements and recommendations regarding email, protecting personally identifiable information (PII), and taxpayer data. To email other recipients from Drake Tax, you can use the Windows Default Email application or s et up a third-party email account (if supported by that email provider). Attached client data files sent to Drake Support are sent separately from the email, by a secure file transfer protocol. You can send emails to Drake Support from return data entry without setting up an email account or using your Windows Default Email application.